Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Francis Xavier – St. Therese Conference
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic outreach organization of St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Catholic Churches. We are an equal opportunity provider whose primary mission is to provide fresh food and financial assistance to needy families. SVDP is located at 2073 Lafayette Street in downtown Fort Myers at the intersection of Lafayette Street and Grand Avenue.
Our Food Pantry is open every Friday from 8:30 am until all available food is distributed.
Cars should park in the grass field east of Grand Ave. They will then drive through our parking lot beside the church to be given food. There will also be a walk up line from which food will also be distributed.
We ask all participants to sign up with us and obtain a card to identify them each time they return. The number of families is then shared with Harry Chapin organization which provide the food. This food is for all of Lee County.

Our office opens its doors for financial assistance every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Neighbors seeking assistance are required to complete the Neighbor Record Form and provide necessary supporting documents to undergo a screening process. To be eligible, individuals must reside within the St. Francis Xavier Parish boundary, west of Ortiz and north of Carrell, or within the St. Therese Parish boundary in North Fort Myers. It is not a requirement to be a member of the parishes to receive assistance.
Screenings are conducted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that we do not offer assistance for deposits, rent, mortgage, or out-of-state transportation. Furthermore, the Neighbor Record Form is not available for printing, so please ensure you allow enough time to fill it out during your visit.
(239) 334-9225

The Burden of Charity
You will find that charity is a heavy burden to carry,Vincent with Bread
Heavier than the bowl of soup and the full basket,
But you will keep your gentleness and your smile.
It is not enough to give soup and bread,
This the rich can do.
You are the servant of the poor,
Always smiling and always good humored.
The poor are your masters you will see.
Then the uglier and dirtier they will be,
The more unjust and insulting,
The more you must give them.
It is only for your love alone
That the poor will forgive you
The bread that you give them.
St. Vincent de Paul
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