(Please fill out a separate form for each child)

There is an orientation for parents only (please no children) on Sunday, September 15th, 2024 at 10:00a.m. Faith Formation classes will meet on Sunday mornings 10:00-11:15 a.m., September 22nd, 2024 until May 4th, 2025, with the exception of Lee County public school holidays and closings - NO PUBLIC SCHOOL ON MONDAY, NO FAITH FORMATION CLASS THE SUNDAY PRIOR.

Registration forms and fees must be returned by September 11th to Parish Office.

Child Information

(include mother’s and father’s first names and last names if different from child)
Are you a registered member of St. Francis Xavier parish?
If No, you must be register with the Parish to enroll
I am interested in learning about being a volunteer in the program.
Check all that positions you would like more information on


My child will need preparation for
please check all that apply

All students who are receiving Sacraments are required to present a copy of their Baptismal certificate. You must contact the church of Baptism and ask for a copy or fax.


Please read the following and sign below.

  • Drop off and pick up information will be covered at orientation.
  • An integral part of a child’s faith formation is participation in Sunday Mass. When a child experiences both the classroom and their faith community, he/she will be encouraged to practice and live his/her faith throughout their lives.
  • Children enrolled in Faith Formation should miss no more than four sessions per year for the year to be considered complete. Students preparing for the Sacraments in year I or year II may miss no more than two sessions during the school year.
  • Parents will be asked to read and sign acknowledgment receipt of the Faith Formation Handbook that will be distributed to the parents at the Orientation evening, on Sunday, September 15th, 2024. It will contain all the program dates and requirements for the children’s formation in the coming 2024-25 year.
  • Parents are to supply a copy of their child’s baptismal certificate at the time of registration. If you do not have one, you must contact the church in which they were baptized and request a copy (even if they were baptized here at St. Francis Xavier, or if you have already given a copy to St. Francis Xavier School).


We will not let any child miss the opportunity to enroll in the Faith Formation Program due to finances. Our tuition is a very small amount, which covers only a small part of the costs associated with your child’s catechesis (text books, supplies, catechist training, etc.) throughout the year. If you are financially unable to afford the registration fee, please speak with the DRE to take advantage of a scholarship if you are in serious financial need.

Faith Formation (Grades K-10): $55.00 Per Child or $80 Per Family (after September 11: $75 Per Child or $100 Per Family)

Sacramental Prep for First Holy Communion: +$35.00 (after September 11:  +$50)

Sacramental Prep Year 2 Confirmation: + $35.00 (after September 11:  +$50)

Please note: Fees listed above are early registration discounted pricing provided all registration forms/fees are returned no later than September 11th to the Parish Office.  THERE IS A 40% INCREASE IN REGISTRATION FEES AFTER SEPTEMBER 11TH

Please note: Typing your full name below constitutes a digital signature, acknowledging that the information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.