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The Four Last Things:  Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell

WHAT:  One Night Parish Lenten Presentation

WHEN: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 

                 5:00 – 7:00pm

WHERE:  St. Francis Xavier Church

Presented by Jim Gontis  (Director, Department of Evangelization for the Diocese of Venice)

No Cost to attend.  Invite your family, friends and neighbors!


This presentation will be focused on what are traditionally referred to as The Four Last Things…the most important things…Death, Judgment (Particular and General), Heaven, and Hell.

We’ll also talk about Purgatory, which, while not a Last Thing, is most certainly an Important Thing.  Are Heaven and Hell places or states of being? Does the Church still believe in Purgatory?  What does it mean when we say in the Creed, “I believe in the resurrection of the body?”  Do we mean that literally or figuratively?  What does the Bible mean when it talks about a new Heaven and the new Earth.

Finally, how can I get holy, and get to Heaven?  How do I overcome evil and avoid Hell?  Does all this have anything to do with why I was made?  Sound interesting?  It is!  Come join us for this presentation on the Four Last Things and learn more!


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