Baptism Information
Baptism for a child 7 years of age (or 1st grade) and older: Please contact the Religious Education Office.
Baptism for a child younger than 7 years of age (or 1st grade):
Parents – Baptism of a child in the Catholic Church requires:
- The parents give consent for the Sacrament of Baptism.
- At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic.
- Present a well-founded hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic religion.
- Family is registered at St. Francis Xavier with active envelope number.
Together with the parents, the godparents present the child.
Godparents – Only one godparent is required, male or female.
- If there are two godparents, they are one of each sex, male and female.
- Be designated by the parents, or the person who takes their place, or in their absence by the pastor or minister, and has the aptitude and intention of fulfilling the role of godparent.
- Cannot be the birth parent of the one being baptized.
- Completed their 16th year, therefore, be no less than 17 years of age.
- Has celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.
- Leads a life in keeping with the function and is in good standing with the Church. “Good standing” is understood as leading a Catholic life, that is: celebrates Mass on Sunday, frequently celebrates the sacraments, participates in acts of charity, and if married, is married by a priest.
- If the godparents (or proxies for godparents) are not present, the Baptism cannot take place.
The Baptism procedure at St. Francis Xavier:
- Complete the Baptism Registration Form. Both parents MUST sign if both names are on the birth certificate. Submitting this form initiates your request for Baptism here at St. Francis Xavier.
- Family must have an active parish registration with envelope number. If newly establishing this requirement, there will be a waiting period of three months, before baptism can take place.
- Provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
- The designated godparent(s) must present a Letter of Eligibility for Godparent from the parish in which he/she is a registered member. This is called a “Godparent Form” or a “Sponsor Form”. Please note: Godparents must be practicing Catholics in order for their parish to give them this form.
- All parties, parents, and godparents, are required to take a pre-Baptism class within 24 months of this baptism. Families must RSVP to attend this class. If the class is taken in another parish, a Letter (or Certificate) of Attendance, signed and sealed, from the parish must be presented.
- All paperwork and documents must be submitted to the Religious Education Office prior to a date of Baptism being discussed. Do not make plans before confirming the date, which happens only after all required paperwork is submitted. Only at that point will your child be placed on the Baptism schedule.
- Any additional inquiries can be made by contacting the Religious Education Office.